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Exposed aggregate paving

Limestone blocks, paving installation including wet look sealant

Exposed aggregate paving

Paving and aluminium slats installed by Limestone Solutions

Driveway and Entrance

Exposed aggregate paving, garden bed, stairway and slats installed by Limestone Solutions

Feature paving

Paving inserts to personalise your backyard entertainment area

Exposed aggregiate paving

Exposed aggregate paving with wet look sealant

Personalised paving

Adds another dimension to your outdoor area

Personalised Paving & Limestone Feature

Personalised paving around the pool area and finished with a limestone feature wall including feature lights that look amazing on the wall and paving at night

Pool paving and limestone feature

Personalised paving around the pool area and finished with a limestone feature wall including feature lights that look amazing on the wall and paving at night

Aliminium Slat

Aliminium slat fencing


Front yard before


Front yard after

Pool paving

Personalised paving to pool area

Pool paving

Personalised paving to pool area

Fort Knox - Limestone Wall

Limestone Solutions calls this their Fort Knox wall. A very impressive sight to see on this corner block. Clients were extremely happy and asked us back to do their paving and fencing

Fort Knox- Limestone Wall

This impressive wall expands around the home on three sides

Rustic Paving and Thick Perps

Our Client was after a rustic looking personalised paving and limestone wall with thick perps to line the path around the home. He was very happy with the results and even got Limestone Solutions to do the rest of his backyard

Rustic Paving

This is the other side of the pathway including limestone step ups to the front patio

Limestone Wall, Stairs & Personalised Paving

Limestone wall including stairs and personalised paving selection by client

Personalised paving pattern and design

Limestone wall including stairs and personalised paving selection by client

Limestone Blocks

Strong, sturdy entrance and boundary feature

Patio Paving & Pool Capping

A nice light colour paving opens up a space and makes it look larger especially with this larger tile flowing into the pool area

Limestone Wall & Stairs

This photo was taken after the limestone wall, letter box and stairs were installed

Paving, Limestone Wall, Stairs and Cladding

This photo was taken after the cladding and plants had been added. The extra colour makes the limestone really stand out

Limestone Before Colorbond

This client wanted a garden bed around the backyard including steps and to hide the wall behind

Limestone After Colorbond

Limestone Solutions definitely transformed the back fence. It will look amazing once the lawn and garden is finished

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